
Springwood Infant and

Junior School Federation

Believing is achieving

Key Information

Welcome to EYFS / Year R

Here you will find some key information and FAQs.



Each child is provided with a PE kit which stays at school. You will not need plimsolls or trainers until the Summer term, after Easter. Our PE day is Friday.


The school day

The gates open at 8:30am and children can enter any time between 8:30am and 8:55am. After this time, your child will need to enter school through the Infant Office!

School finishes at 3:00pm, children will be released from their classroom doors. Children will only be released to a known adult, or if you’ve communicated that someone else will pick up and they know the password.



Children have 3 lunch choices at school: meat, vegetarian and a sandwich (April - October) or jacket potato (October to April). You can find the menu on this website: 

Primary Schools and Nurseries | Education and learning | Hampshire County Council (


If your child would prefer a packed lunch, you can provide one from home.


Please ensure your child has the correct uniform and all items are labelled with your child’s name. 


Your child will need to have a pair of labelled wellies in school so that they can use the outside area in all weathers! 


We will often communicate with you via message or email, we currently use Arbor so please make sure you are signed up. Please also ensure that we have your correct details. 
If you would like to speak to a member of the EYFS team, we will be available to take messages on the gate in the morning. If you would like to chat after school, please allow us to see the children out safely first. 


If you have any further questions, please speak to a member of the EYFS team- our door is always open! 




