
Springwood Infant and

Junior School Federation

Believing is achieving

Key Information

Bring a healthy snack to school to eat at morning break.

Children often feel hungry mid morning!  Suggestions include : an apple, a satsuma, grapes, chopped carrot sticks, a chunk of cucumber, raisins only fruit and vegetables are to be eaten during this time.

Your PE days are changing to Tuesday and Thursday, but we are also taking part in PE activities on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday break. Please ensure that you have named plimsols or trainers in school every day. Earrings should be removed on these days, or you can bring in micropore tape to cover them up during physical activity.  This half term we will be doing Tag Rugby and Carnival dance.



Clothing and lost property.

Please ensure that all items of school wear including shoes are named, so that any lost items can be promptly returned to you.

Morning assembly.

We have morning assembly, at 8.50am daily and require you to be punctual.  Children can enter school at 8.30am through the rear gate and enter into classes through the classroom doors where your child will be greeted by their class teacher.  Doors shut at 8.45am for a prompt register.
