
Springwood Infant and

Junior School Federation

Believing is achieving

Our learning

Learning in Year 2



Our trip to Arundel Castle

To link with our History topic, we all went on a trip to Arundel Castle!

Although it was rainy, we all had such a fun day looking around the castle and dressing up in some costumes. 

We learnt loads whilst we were there and were very tired afterwards from all of the walking that we did. The adults were out of breath with the amount of stairs there were, it was very funny! 


Did you know...

- Sir Bevis the giant lived at Arundel Castle and he had a massive sword because he was over 8ft tall.

- The only person who could read and write in a castle was the priest.

- When you were 7 years old you were taught to use a long bow.

- A rampant lion was on the coat of arms.

- The highest paid servant was the gong farmer who cleaned the toilets! YUCKY

- The were dungeons in the castle called 'Oubliette' and we were taught the name with rhyme 'Oubliette to forget' because once people were put down there, they were forgotten about forever.

- Every piece of armour was tailor made for individual people.

And those are just some of the things that we learnt!


Fire Service Visit

To link with our PSHE learning about 'People who help us' we had a visitor from the Fire Service. 

A lovely lady came in to teach us all about staying safe at home and at school and why safety is important. We learnt lots about the fire service and were able to create a poster afterwards about everything we learnt. 

We even learnt a little rhyme:

'Matches and lighters never touch, they can hurt you very much'

Design Technology

Design and make a bag for Mr Fox to carry food through the tunnels


In DT we have been designing and making a bag for Mr Fox, linking to our Reading learning. 

In our first lesson we looked at lots of different bags that Miss Evans has. We were thinking about which bags were our favourite and why? What bags would be used for what purpose? What shaped bags are there? What designs were cool? What size bags there are? What were the bags made out of?


Then we moved onto thinking out how were would be joining the fabric of our bags together and which way would be the easiest and the strongest. We found that stapling or sewing would be best because glue would take too long to dry and safety pins did not look very nice. We also tested out which fabrics would be strongest and most durable. 


Finally, we designed our bags, chose our fabric and have began making them :) 



Learning in Year 2

Spring Term 1

In RE we have learnt about the Hindu festival of Holi. 

This festival is really important to Hindus and celebrates good overcoming evil and different Hindu Gods like Lord Vishnu.

We learnt about some of the stories like the story of Prahlad where Lord Vishnu saved him and we also learnt about Krishna who used to play jokes on people. When Holi is celebrated people do things such as pray to shrines, eating special food and throw coloured paint powder and water at each other.

We had SO much fun learning about this and throwing paint at each other! The Teachers were definitely prime targets...


Look what appeared as a hook in our area!

Can you predict what story we might be learning about?

Autumn Term 2

Design Technology

Last term our focus was healthy eating and preparing a smoothie. In the last week we worked in our groups to make our smoothies and to taste them! We had a really fun day and most of us found our smoothies very tasty :)

History Day 5th November

As our History topic this term is focused on The Gunpowder Plot we thought what a better way to start our topic on this day!

In school we had a fun filled day of learning all about The Gunpowder Plot and Guy Fawkes. We acted out the story with our character masks, thought of questions that we would like to know the answer to and even visited a Guy Fawkes Museum (in the hall) to learn even more and study some sources. Take a look at the pictures!


For our first learning journey in Writing we are looking at the story 'The Dark' by Lemony Snicket. We started off by all crouching in our darkened pod with one single strobe of light. We spoke about how this made us feel and what it reminded us of. We've already really enjoyed reading this story so far! 


In computing this term we are looking at Dance on Scratch. 

Our first lesson this week was to watch a dance, discuss the repeated moves and then create our own routine with repeated moves in it. We had SO much fun!

