
Springwood Infant and

Junior School Federation

Believing is achieving


Speaking and Listening Intent

To provide children with a language-rich environment within which they can develop a range of speaking and listening skills and strategies so they can become a fluent, skilled and attentive reader who is able to think out loud, engage in discussions and debates related to text and their experiences. 


Reading Intent

To teach children to read a progressive and wide range of high quality texts (including poetry, fiction and non-fiction).  Children are taught to read fluently, with confidence and understanding so they are equipped with the reading skills needed to access all subjects in their secondary education and develop a lifelong love of books.  


Writing Intent

To engage children with engaging and purposeful writing journeys which deepen children’s knowledge and understanding of rich vocabulary. Children will learn to consider the intended audience, the most appropriate form and the necessary writing skills that they will need to apply in order to satisfy the reader. 

Pirate invasion.MP4

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