
Springwood Infant and

Junior School Federation

Together We Learn, Together We Grow

Key Information

Important information and reminders:

Library day

We change our library books on a Friday, please return whennyou have read them.  We have a Library book box so you can return the books at any time and they can stay in their until our next class trip to the Library.  If your child has chosen a longer book it is ok to keep it for longer, we will keep track of outstanding books on our library system.


Personal belongings

In year one we want to encourage the children to take responsibility for their own belongings.  They all have their own individual coat peg, where they can hang coats, book bags, cardigans and jumpers, large crates for those who wish to bring in a packed lunch, as well as an area for welly boots for woodland walks.  Please ensure every item is named to facilitate the children in locating their own belongings, and to help us to return them home when required.  This includes jumpers, cardigans and hoodies as well as lunch boxes, coats and book bags.



Our PE days are Wednesday and Thursday, on these days please send your child into school wearing their full PE kit that was sent home at the beginning of the year.  In the Autumn and Spring we recommend wearing tracksuit bottoms, T-shirt and a school jumper or hoodie.  (as well as a coat to school) 

Trainers, or plimsols are perfect to help develop balance and coordination!  Please ensure long hair is tied back, and jewellery is removed on these days.  In the Autumn term we cover Gymnastics, and running as part of our varied PE curriculum.


Break times

We spend 15 minutes outside mid morning, time for the toilet, to stretch legs and for a healthy snack which is provided by HCC, there is a variety of fresh fruit and vegetables and is dependent on the season and availability.  If your child likes specific fruit as a snack then feel free to send in your own piece of fresh fruit or vegetables.  In warmer seasons children are encouraged to bring in and apply their own sun lotion, wear a hat, to stay in the shade and drink plenty of water.


Staying hydrated

The children have been asked to bring in their own water bottles, which have a designated place in each classroom.  Children will be working across both ladybirds and Butterfly classrooms this year and will be encouraged to take their water bottles with them where ever they go, including to the dinner hall at lunch time.  Please ensure that all water bottles are named, and re named as they are washed and the names begin to fade.  This will allow us to reunite any bottles that have been left or relocated.  The children are reminded to drink at key points in the day, on entry, play times, lunch times and mid afternoon, the children are also able to refill their bottles from the taps in classrooms which provide drinking water.


Lunch time


Children are invited to select their school lunch each morning, from a choice of 3 daily options.  Information about the meal choices can be found on the website Lunch choices menu, and the children are welcome to bring in a packed lunch and try a hot school dinner to encourage them to broaden their diet, tastebuds and enjoyment around communal lunches with their year 1 buddies.  

The children are given 30 minutes to eat their lunch, with adults on hand to support and encourage positive interactions around the dinner table, and praise good table manners.  Children eating hot school dinners are expected to use cutlery, and must practise good hygiene by washing their hands before eating.

