Please find on this page key information that you may need to know to help your child navigate their year 2 journey.
Key Days of the week
PE Days - Monday & Friday
PE kit has now been sent home and the children are required to come in wearing their PE kit on the named PE days.
Library Day - Monday
On this day, your child will swap their weekly library book.
We politely ask that all items of clothing are named before coming into school.
We also ask that any jumpers that do not belong to your child are returned ASAP.
Healthy school meals are available for free every day for Year 2 pupils, with three choices offered.
You may choose to send in a healthy packed lunch for your child. You can decide this on a day-to-day basis.
If you need advice on appropriate lunch box foods or would like more information, please ask your child's teacher or consult the School Menus link on the main page, under the 'About Us' heading.