
Springwood Infant and

Junior School Federation

Believing is achieving

Meet the Governors

Meet the Governors

Welcome to our Governors’ section, it is an important job.  We make a difference by helping to raise standards.  This involves:

 - Making decisions about staffing

 - Supporting off-site visits

 - Reviewing budgets

Plus so much more. 


We are always happy to help and are keen to meet you all. 




Governor Roles and Responsibilities

Read below to find out more about us


Robin Parker - Co-opted Governor (Chair of Governors)

My name is Robin Parker and I joined as a parent governor at Springwood in October 2018. From November 2021 I am now a coopted governor.  My son and twin daughters started at the infant school and are now in the junior school.  

Originally from Oxford, our family moved to the area 5 years ago, coinciding with having our wonderful children. When the time came to choose schools, Springwood easily stood out as a something different and we're very excited to see them progress. As a governor, I get to contribute something positive towards helping all the children get the best start in their education. That's a good feeling!

I spent many years working in training and consultancy, plus ran my own web application and data management business. I gave up working for 4 years when the kids were born and really enjoyed the time I spent with them, even including running a twins playgroup session. On returning to work, I took the opportunity to indulge two hobbies; I'm now a handyman and dog trainer! I have 4 dogs of my own, but can often be seen walking down our road with many different breeds.


Andy Brown - Co-opted Governor (Vice Chair)

I joined the Governing body team at the start of the 2018-19 term.  After assisting in school activities prior to joining I felt I could offer more support to the federation by becoming a school governor. It is also a role that I am happy to put my own time into as it is very rewarding.


I have a son in the junior school and daughter in the infant school.  My son thoroughly enjoys his days in school and has benefited from the style of teaching and such activities as PEEP.  There is also a great community spirit around the school and although I live in another area we feel are a part of this.


My self and my wife moved into the Portsmouth area in 2007 as my job (running Restaurants at the time) moved us down here. We decided to make this our home after years of moving around the UK and enjoy very much the benefits of living on the South Coast.



Robert Brooks - LA Governor

My name is Rob Brooks and I am a co-opted Governor at Springwood.

I am an actuarial consultant for PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP in London. Through my employment I have been involved in a number of children related community activities including: teaching numeracy to local primary school children and involved (as stage and production manager) in the PwC pantomime, a charitable production for children from local schools and related organisations.
My wife and I moved to the area to be closer her family and I was keen to be involved in supporting the local area, so became a Governor at one of the local schools.
As a Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries I have strong analytical and statistical skills; and I am using these to principally support the school in the teaching of maths and monitoring of the schools performance.



Elle Jones - Co-opted Governor

My name is Elisabeth Jones and I have been a Co-opted Governor at Springwood since September 2019 and a teacher at the Federation since 2016.


Over the past 4 years, I have been teaching in the Junior School, teaching in year 6 and love working as part of the Springwood Team!


I enjoy teaching as I love watching children grow and learn over time. I completed my PGCE in 2016 and have been at Springwood ever since. I enjoy watching our children at the federation flourish and have the ability to acquire new skills.


I decided to become a governor because I want to make a difference to ensure all children have the possibility to enjoy learning, as well as preparing them for their lives in the future.



Steven Free - Parent Governor

I joined the Springwood Federation as a Parent Governor in January 2022, having lived in Waterlooville with my family since 2015. In September 2020, my son joined Springwood in year R and he absolutely loves the school and the school community.


I have recently had the good fortune to be able to take early retirement and now have more time to contribute to our community. Like all parents, I want the very best for my child and I feel it is important that every child is happy, safe, confident and strives to become the very best they can be. I see my being a parent governor at Springwood as a privilege.


My career background is in Engineering and Management in senior leadership roles and in my working life I have developed skills in leadership, continuous improvement, strategic thinking, teamwork, process management, negotiation and coaching.

I’m always happy to have a chat, so if you see me around and want to ask me anything, feel free (alternatively you can contact me via the school office).



Claire Cook - Staff Governor

My name is Claire Cook and I have been teaching in Hampshire schools since the year 2000.  I have been at Springwood Federation for a number of years in a variety of different roles, working across both the infant and junior schools.


I am a mother of two girls, and juggle home and family life with a successful teaching career.  I enjoy being outdoors, active and embrace new challenges.


During my time in education, I have seen many changes and ideas go in and out of fashion but the one thing that remains the same is that the children are always at the very heart of everything we do.  I am a keen ambassador for celebrating success regardless of the starting point and feel that every child is entitled to be celebrated for their effort and enthusiasm.


I have an interest and passion for the teaching of early reading, and enjoyed teaching my own girls to read developing a lifelong love of literature.  I hope to bring a balanced view to the governing body on what it is really like to work with children in an ever changing environment.
