In Maths, we have been focusing on multiplication and division. Whilst looking at division, we spent some time focusing on the difference between sharing and grouping.
In PSHE we have been looking at safety. We spent some time looking at the differences between risks, hazards and dangers and sorted examples on our tables.
In Writing, we have been looking at an animation called The Dreamgiver.
In our first lesson we made some predictions based on the title of the text. At the end of the unit we are going to be writing a narrative for a section of the film so we worked in groups to unpick a story and discuss it's features.
In Writing we have looked at some amazing books this half term. We loved learning about the book 'The Misadventures of Frederick', writing our own letters from Frederick to Emily and publishing them into paper airplanes, just like they do in the book.
In Computing we have been learning about multi-media. We have been using the iPads to learn about camera angles and videoing to create a school prospectus. Miss Evans and Miss Madsen created a 'squirreltastic' video as a WAGOLL then the children planned and videoed their own. They then LOVED watching each others videos back.
In Art, our learning has linked to our History learning about the Stone Age. We started by creating some cave paintings that we have displayed in the Year 3 area for all to see. Then we created a mood board of images all about Stone Age jewellery. For our final project, we used salt dough to create a piece of stone age jewellery.
In PSHE so far this term our learning has focused all around our school value of treating others how you wish to be treated. Our final lesson focused around working as a team. We had to work together to use spaghetti and marshmallows to build the tallest tower. In teams we decided on a team name and earnt points for working well, listening to each other, being kind to each other and taking turns. This was a very tricky challenge for all!