Springwood Infant School
Springwood Avenue
Tel: 023 9226 2078 (option 1)
Email: adminoffice@springwood.hants.sch.uk
Springwood Junior School
Springwood Avenue
Tel: 023 9225 8011 (option 2)
Email: adminoffice@springwood.hants.sch.uk
Our friendly office team will support with any enquiries.
Please direct all enquiries to the office team so that
they can direct your enquiry as appropriate. If you require a paper copy of the website please do not hesitate to contact us.
Finance Manager - Suzanne Richardson
Senior Admin Officer - Kim Simmons
Attendance Manager and Back to Basics Lead - Sarah Johnson
Senior Admin Assistant - Kelly Race
Senior Leadership Team:
Executive Headteacher - Jo Livingstone
Deputy Headteacher and SENDCo - Charlotte Stevenson (c.stevenson@springwood.hants.sch.uk)
Deputy Headteacher - Dec Curry
The Infant School is open from 8:45-3:00pm (doors open at 8:30am) which amounts to 31.25 hours a week
The Junior School is open from 8:30-3:00pm which amounts to 32.50 hours a week
If something's worrying you...come and share it. Most concerns are misunderstandings and class teachers, and leadership team are available to meet with you face to face, to resolve these quickly.
Use the link below to the refer to the policies relating to this page.
Please contact a member of the school office if you wish any of the information provided on the website to be copied free of charge. Paper copies are available in school at your request.