Sports Funding
The government funds Sport England, the organisation that decides how to invest government and National Lottery funding to help people across England create a sporting habit for life.
Sport England invests money in facilities, schemes and training programmes that make it easier for more people to play sport and develop their talent. Between 2012 and 2017, Sport England will receive £1 billion from the government and National Lottery funding to invest in projects that will:
help more people have a sporting habit for life
create more opportunities for young people to play sport
nurture and develop talent
provide the right facilities in the right places
support local authorities and unlock local funding
ensure real opportunities for communities
For a breakdown about how we have and are using the funding, please open and read the strategy below.
Of the current Year 6 cohort (swimming taught in 2021-22):
30 pupils can swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
1 can perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations