
Springwood Infant and

Junior School Federation

Believing is achieving

Day 2

Day 2


On Day 2 we...

  • Woke up and got dressed for the days.
  • Had breakfast and made our lunch for later on.
  • Went on a long walk through the New Forest where we had to walk over the bridge where the toe tickling troll lived, walk up some steep hills and we saw lots of different animals along the way. 
  • Had lunch in the round house.
  • Made clay faces, created rainbow artwork and met the 3 Minstead steep Lady Baa Baa, Britney Shears and Baariana Grande.
  • Set some mammal traps and cameras up. 
  • Had dinner with some very crumbly dessert.
  • Had some hot chocolate. 
  • Had a shower and went to sleep (slightly earlier this time).