
Springwood Infant and

Junior School Federation

Together We Learn, Together We Grow

Home Learning

Our Lovely Home Learning!

As of Spring 2, we will be introducing a weekly spelling quiz. This is to improve the Harder to Read and Spell Words spellings, for which your child would greatly benefit from knowing. It is also necessary for children to know these spellings in order to achieve age related expectations. Our spelling quizzes will take place on a Thursday morning. We also recommend that children practise using these words in sentences- both out loud and written down. 


For some children, spelling quizzes may be adapted to better suit their needs.


As always, do come to us with any questions. 

Spring 1 pre - teach sheet

Home Learning is sent home with the children, and available to download on this page!


In September children were given a home learning book. We stapled their first home learning sheet and login details for Oxford Owl and Numbots. 


If you require these again, please ask a member of staff.




Autumn 2 Homelearning


Don't forget to look at the "our learning" page to see what we have been learning in class, and this will enable you to over learn new skills taught in school. Our current learning


ELS e-books set by your class teacher

Don't forget to read at least 3 times a week - it's great to read the same book more than once to develop fluency and pace.  (individual username and password needed for this) 


More reading...

You can also access the free ebook library from oxford owl with lots of different titles to the ones set by your class teacher.  User name: Griggs-Cook Password: Year1

Free e-book library to find other books to read...




