
Springwood Infant and

Junior School Federation

Believing is achieving

Our Learning

 Spring in year 1 

After our break we have all returned back to school with a smile on our faces, ready to learn new skills.



In reading and writing recall tasks we have focussed on matching uppercase and lowercase letters.  This will help us to read and write sentences.  Help your child by practising the letter name and its corresponding sound.  A you're adorable !












We have learned all about the artist Orla Kierly:



...and we have learned how to do an observational drawing of a leaf, turn it into a polystyrene print, and make a repeating pattern leaf print.  It was fun, but you had to be very delicate so as not to snap the fragile printing block!

Autumn in year one


We have been learning to write sentences on the lines, making our letters the same size and correctly orientated.  Sentences must begin with a capital letter and finish with a full stop and have similar sized finger spaces between each word!


Can you form curly club letters correctly?

Watch how to form curly club letters!


Try and read at least 3 times a week.

Oxford owl e-books

Our writing hook... "Flashlight".

Can you play hide and seek with our new text?

flashlight by Lizi Boyd


Challenge: Use these words to describe what you can see, hear and do!

New vocabulary...


Use the sentence starters:

I saw a _________ .

I went on _____________ .

I heard _________ .


Writing "I" as a capital letter activity
