
Springwood Infant and

Junior School Federation

Together We Learn, Together We Grow

Home Learning

Phase 5 phonic pronunciation

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This video will show you how to pronounce the phase 5 sounds which are being taught this term:
Week 1: ay, ou, ie, ea
Week 2: oy, ir, ue, aw
Week 3: wh, ph, ew, oe
Week 4: au, ey, a-e, e-e
Week 5: Review week
Week 6: i-e. o-e, u-e, c

Summer 1 Home Learning

Phonics Summer 1 Overview

Summer 1 Phonics words week by week

Spring 2 Home Learning

Spring 1 Home Learning

Phonics - ELS- Phase 3 Pronunciation

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EYFS have already began learning the Phase 3 Sounds. We have already learned: j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, qu, ch, sh, th, ng, nk, ai, ee, igh ,oa.
Please see below when we will be teaching the new sound. Your child will also bring home flashcards on the new sounds that have been taught each week.
Week 1 - 2.1.2023
oo (cook)

Week 2 - 9.1.2023
ar, ur, oo (moon), or

Week 3 - 16.1.2023
ow, oi, ear, air

Week 4 - 23.1.2023
ure, er, ow

Home Learning - Autumn 2

Home Learning - Autumn 1

Phonics - ELS- Phase 2 Pronunciation

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Please watch this video to ensure your child is using the correct pronunciation of each sound.

Reading- please log into the Oxford Reading Owl website (access instructions below) and read 4 times a week. This needs to be written in your child’s reading log. Please see an image of our reading logs below.

How to access Oxford Reading Tree
