
Springwood Infant and

Junior School Federation

Together We Learn, Together We Grow

New Entrants Pre-Schoolers 2020

Welcome to EYFS 2020

Our classes are called Foxes and Squirrels

Meet your teachers....

Miss Boulain Miss Bridger

My favourite colour is purple.

I have a red cockapoo called Murphy!

I love to bake.  I am very good at chocolate brownies!

I enjoy travelling. I have been to many

different countries around the world. My

favourite part is the plane ride!

I have a little boy called Zachary who will be

3 in November.

Our family cat is called Tots. He is a ginger

cat who is always causing mischief!

In my spare time I love to play hockey.

My favourite food is pasta, and who can

forget chocolate for afters!!


Meet your Early Years Assistants...

          Mrs Hawkey                    Mrs Kemp

EYFS Transition arrangements - September 2020


Phonics Play

Phonics Play have created a free log in for all parents to access their resources during COVID-19. 

Username: march20

Password: home


Below is a link to the Phase 1 page of the Phonics Play website. Playing these games with your child(ren) will help them to build the skills they will need to support their phonics learning.

Phonic Games

Below is a link to more phase 1 phonic games you could try at home! Search YouTube to find more of his games.

Learning Through Play