
Springwood Infant and

Junior School Federation

Together We Learn, Together We Grow

Key Information

Information for parents about the phonics decoding check

Please find on this page key information that you may need to know to help your child navigate their Year 1 journey.

We politely ask that all items of clothing (including hats, PE shoes, wellies) are named before coming to school. Unfortunately, we sometimes have many unnamed items at the end of the week that we cannot match to a child.


We also ask that any jumpers not belonging to your child are returned.


Your child will also need to bring named PE shoes into school (please refer to the Uniform section under the "About Us" tab on the main page as needed).


We also recommend that your child brings in welly boots (which we can keep at school) and a coat (brought in daily throughout autumn, winter and spring as needed), as we do like to get our Year 1s out and about as much as possible!

Our PE days are Monday and Wednesday.


We will provide:

  • T-shirt
  • Tracksuit bottoms
  • Shorts


In Year 1, children get changed in school to further promote their self-care skills.


Children will need to bring in their own named PE shoes and may wear their jumpers if they wish. Weather dependent, we will take our pupils outdoors for their PE learning. When not possible, we use our school hall. 


We also wash the PE kits as appropriate throughout the year, so there is no need to take the PE kit home!

Healthy school meals are available for free every day for Year 1 pupils, with three choices offered. We also provide a fruit or vegetable snack every day, however this is subject to the deliveries being made on time. 


You may choose to instead send in a healthy packed lunch for your child. Likewise, you may send in a piece of fruit for your child to have as a snack.


You can decide on a day-to-day basis whether your child will have a school lunch or a packed lunch; we will take their order every day!


If you need advice on appropriate lunch box foods or you would like more information on healthy eating at Springwood, please ask your child's class teacher or consult the School Menus link on the main page under the "About Us" heading.

In June, Year 1 pupils are expected to complete the Phonics Decoding Check. This check is designed to assess the phonics learning that each child has retained to help them on their reading journey. 


The check is not anything to be concerned about as we stive to keep it stress free and we build towards it all year, so your child will have plenty of practise! 


The check is conducted on a one-to-one basis with a teacher that is familiar to your child. There are 40 words on the check- 20 words are real words and 20 words are nonsense words.


It usually takes a week for every child in Year 1 to be assessed. 


If you have any concerns about the phonics check, or would like more information, please check the "Phonics Support" link on the Year 1 Home Learning Page, or ask your child's class teacher. 


If you have any concerns about your child's phonics learning, do let us know. Likewise, if we are concerned we will be in touch to talk about the best way to support your child. 

This year, we are sending home reading books through our online system. If you are unable to access this, we've included a step-by-step guide below. For all other issues, please let the class teacher know.

Numbots: We also pay for a maths based subscription that builds your child's number fact knowledge through games.
