In English, we have been exploring the story 'The Lion Inside'. We have generated new vocabulary, practised sentence types and the correct punctuation to match, learned how to use a comma to list and eventually written our own versions of the story.
The teachers are so proud of our writing!
Guy Fawkes - Clay Heads
In History, we have been learning about Guy Fawkes.
We know all about his gangs evil plot to kill King James 1 and the 36 barrels of gunpowder that he was going to set alight in the basement of the Houses of Parliament.
In Art, we have been learning about portraits and sculpture so decided to create a clay head of Guy Fawkes.
In Computing, we have been learning how to navigate a bee-bot with programmed instructions. We have been making routes and final destinations for our bee-bots to reach! It's been so much fun.
Building bridges!
In DT, we have been designing and building our very own bridges.
We had to think about whether our designs were sturdy enough, the right shape and were joined together securely.
Together, we learned about the importance of Remembrance Day. We held our 2 minutes silence at 11am to remember all of the brave soldiers that sadly died during WW1.
We worked together as a year group to create a large poppy wreath as a symbol of remembrance.
Some of us also learned a famous poem that we read to show respect. Below is a link if you would like to watch it: https://hccla850sch2169-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/llangmo_springwood-inf_hants_sch_uk/EZO-67HbMFlHhpjuGoW64MwBt3k-Z0JCzaiCi40pFTnmRQ