Welcome to EYFS
On this page you will find key information regarding our year group...
- Please ensure your child has a suitable coat and wellies in school.
- Your child needs their book bag in school every day as they will be bringing home important letters, resources and of course their beautiful work they have produced at school.
- EYFS visit the school library every Tuesday. Please ensure their books are returned in their book bag so your child can exchange their book every week.
- You can access reading books online at: https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/login?active-tab=students We suggest your child reads these online books 4 times a week. These books will match the sounds we have taught in school. Extra reading books will be put outside on a Friday. Please encourage your child to swap them.
- Reading logs (monkey books) will be looked at every Tuesday, please ensure your child brings them in their book bags every day.
- New phonics sounds will be given to your child on a Friday, unless it is assessment week. Please ensure the sounds are placed back into your child's envelope and in your child's book bag on Fridays.