
Springwood Infant and

Junior School Federation

Believing is achieving

Our Learning in Year 6

Internet Safety Day 2022


The theme of internet safety day this year was “fun and games.”

We established that we all love playing games online including Roblox, Fortnite and Animal Crossing as well as many others.


We discussed the importance of playing safely when gaming online and being aware of potential risks.


We researched our favourite games and reviewed them for other people, thinking about the advice we might give to people who haven’t played before.


We decided that gaming can be fun if you are aware and alert and game sensibly – it is important to report anything that you are unsure of to a trusted adult so it can be reported.  

PE - Gymnastics 

In PE, we have practising rolls and jumps to allow us to create mirroring routines on the floor and using apparatus. 

Writing - housing officer

To stimulate our writing, we have been able to hot seat (ask questions) to a housing officer investigating Shane's abode. We were able to ask questions and learn new and appropriate vocabulary to support our writing.

DT - Seasonal Soups

In DT this half term, we have tasted soups and then designed own recipes. We have made our soups and evaluated our success. It was great fun and they tasted amazing!

PE - Dodgeball 

To celebrate, the end of the unit we completed a dodgeball tournament as a year group. It was a great success and we enjoyed playing against each other. 


 In RE, we are exploring the concept of faith, including the faith we have in each other and the faith Christians show. To test our faith in each other, we completed trust falls.



In science this term we are exploring different forces. We have recapped our knowledge of pushing, pulling and gravity. This week we planned an experiment to explore friction using newton meters. 


To hook into our writing and our new class text, Year 6 went for a walk in the woods and found a shelter. We have investigated and looked at the items within. Using this information, we have made predictions about who or what lives there. 
