
Springwood Infant and

Junior School Federation

Together We Learn, Together We Grow

Key Information

Welcome to EYFS 2020

We are Foxes and Squirrels

More exciting news...

Miss Boulain got married. She is now Mrs Cooper.



Exciting News!



Miss Bridger got married this summer.

She is now Mrs Sexton.

Meet your teachers....

Mrs Cooper Mrs Sexton

My favourite colour is purple.

I have a red cockapoo called Murphy!

I love to bake.  I am very good at chocolate brownies!

I enjoy travelling. I have been to many

different countries around the world. My

favourite part is the plane ride!

I have a little boy called Zachary who will be

3 in November.

Our family cat is called Tots. He is a ginger

cat who is always causing mischief!

In my spare time I love to play hockey.

My favourite food is pasta, and who can

forget chocolate for afters!!

Meet your Early Years Assistants...

Mrs Hawkey


Mrs Oulds

