Please find on this page key information that you may need to know to help your child navigate their Year 5 journey.
Please feel free to attend our Parent Workshop on Thursday 13th January, 2.30-3.00pm in the Junior School Hall.
We politely ask that all items of clothing (including hats, PE shoes, wellies) are named before coming to school. Unfortunately, we sometimes have many unnamed items at the end of the week that we cannot match to a child.
We also ask that any jumpers not belonging to your child are returned.
Your child will also need to bring named PE shoes into school on PE days.
On Friday 4th November, children will be bringing their PE kits home so that on their PE days they come to school dressed in their PE kit.
Year 5's PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday. Please come to school in your school PE kit on these days from the week commencing 7th November 2022.
We will provide:
Children will need to wear trainers or plimsolls on this day and they may wear their jumpers in they wish. Weather dependent, we will take our pupils outdoors for their PE learning. When not possible, we use our school hall.
Please feel free to attend our Parent Workshop on Thursday 22nd September, 2.30-3.00pm in the Junior School Hall.
Healthy school meals are available to pay for and order every day with three choices offered.
You may choose to instead send in a healthy packed lunch for your child.
You can decide on a day-to-day basis whether your child will have a school lunch or a packed lunch; we will take their order every day!
You may choose to provide your child a healthy snack to consume at morning break time.
If you need advice on appropriate lunch box foods or you would like more information on healthy eating at Springwood, please ask your child's class teacher or consult the School Menus link on the main page under the "About Us" heading.