
Springwood Infant and

Junior School Federation

Believing is achieving

Remote Learning

Below you will find daily remote learning for your child. Click on the daily stars to find every thing you need.

Please submit your remote learning to with your child's name in the subject box.


If you scroll to the bottom of this page, you will find our weekly SPRINGWOOD STARS
These children are the children that have completed all of their remote learning over the course of a week. We are so proud of every single one of you.

Can you become a star of the week this week?

Week beginning 01.03.21

Here are some pictures of our working walls from last weeks learning. Our walls show the learning journey and the importance of every step building on the lesson before and reaching the consolidation at the end! 

See if you can spot any of your remote learning on our walls :)

Week beginning - 22.02.21

Reading Challenge 

Sign up to Oxford owl and / or BorrowBoxsites and share proof of this via your year group email address to have your name entered into a prize draw where you could win a book (1 winner in each year group). 


Winners will be announced on Friday 26th February 2021.


Links to sign up:


Oxford Owl

(Some books available to purchase for 99p up until 15th February!!!)



Week beginning - 8.2.21

Week beginning 01.02.21

Week beginning 25.1.21

Previous weeks 

Below are the Stars of the Week.

Star certificates have been awarded to those children for completing all of their home learning for the week prior! Well done yes

If you are struggling with your remote learning, please send an email to the year two mailbox and a member of the year 2 team will be able to help you. 

They may phone you so please look out for a No Caller ID number, as this is likely to be one of the team!

We are so proud of the home learning that we have seen so far!


Miss Evans and Miss Langmore smiley
