
Springwood Infant and

Junior School Federation

Together We Learn, Together We Grow

Our Learning

The Tiger Who Came To Tea

The Titanic Museum Trip

Art- clay tiles - Natalie Blake

What the Ladybird heard


In our Design and Technology Learning, we investigated how to make a fruit salad for the disgusting Mr O’Parsley (Rascally Cake story). Our design brief was to create a healthy meal for him.


We learnt to slice, grate, cut and peel various fruits and vegetables and create a delicious and lovely product. 

We wonder if you can design and create your own delicious creations at home, or perhaps you can help make a meal for your family. We would love to hear all about it!

World book day 3.3.22 🌎📚

Maths: Multiplication

We started our multiplication journey using multilink practically to support ourselves with multiplying e.g. 2 groups of 2

We then moved on to representing number sentences pictorially - drawing on the whiteboards.


Fancy a cuppa? Did you spot the clues in the playground?

Writing : Matching different synonyms with their meaning....

Science- materials

Can you help us build a house big enough and strong enough for all 3 of us to live in?


We have been looking at lots of different houses from around the world and talked about the materials they are built from.

We have been exploring different properties of materials - is it  hard/soft/ flexible/stiff?

Key question: what material would build a strong house for the 3 little pigs?

Art- Printing

This term we have been inspired by the designer Orlando Kiely. We have been learning how to print using the skills: tracing, rubbings and using a block and roller to create mono prints. The children have thrived completing  this topic thoroughly enjoyed using the rollers to create an image over and over again. Our task was to create a collaborative beanstalk using printed leaves. Here are a few images to show you our art journey…

Safer Internet Day- Tuesday 8th February 2022

Today we have been learning about how to keep ourselves safe online.

We started by talking about what games we play and how we play them. We spoke about our behaviour online and how it should be the same as how we behave in school. 


We read the story Digiduck and the Magic Castle : Can you remember what happened? Can you remember about keeping our passwords safe and not sharing them with our friends? What do you do if you don't understand something on your iPad / tablet / laptop / console? 


We then thought about who we can speak to if we are worried or having problems when we are online.

Have a loo at our pictures and labels. 


As a class, we discussed information that we would share online and information we wouldn't share online. Remember... would you tell a stranger your full name and address? No!

BREAKING NEWS! Uhoh! .... 🙈 Who has made all of this mess in our playground?

History- Florence Nightingale “The Lady With The Lamp” 🪔🏥