
Springwood Infant and

Junior School Federation

Together We Learn, Together We Grow

Our learning

Spring 2 


This half term, we are looking at our overarching topic of 'Into the Wild'



We are using the book The Last Tree by Emily Haworth-Booth as a stimulus to help inspire us to write our own narratives and journalist recounts.



Key vocabulary

materialistic, covetous, passionate, anxious, villain, fiend, severed, sapling, seedling, acquitted, innocent, exasperated.




In line with our writing theme, this term we will be exploring two texts; The Wilderness War by Julia Green and Red Alert by Catherine Barr. We will be using our reading comprehension skills to unpick how the two texts link together. 
















































In preparation for the statutory multiplication check, the children will be carrying out daily multiplication practise such as on TTRS during arithmetic sessions to improve their rapid recall of all timetables.


In maths lessons, we will be looking at fractions and geometry.


Here are some links to indicate some of the things that we will be learning within our topics:

Finding a fraction of an amount - Maths - Learning with BBC Bitesize - BBC Bitesize

What is an angle? - BBC Bitesize

Equivalent fractions and decimals - Maths - Learning with BBC Bitesize - BBC Bitesize

What are the types of triangle? - BBC Bitesize





This term we are continuing to learn about the digestive system. We will be exploring the function of our teeth and what they are called, the impact of drinks on our teeth overtime, the purpose of the digestive system and the journey that food will take. 


Our topics for this half term are tag rugby and dance.


We are learning about how to play tag rugby and the skills that are involved to play a successful game.


Additionally, in dance we are learning to choreograph a collaborative routine to Reach for the Stars by S Club 7. 

S Club 7: Reach for the Stars — lyrics - YouTube


Tree planting

Year 4 have planted two beautiful cherry blossom trees in our school maze! We can't wait to see how tall it grows smiley



In Spring 1 we had an art day where we looked at two artists - Caroline Gregon and Trevor Leat  who both specialise in making sculptures.


We looked at their background and their inspiration, explored and used different medias such as pipe cleaners and wire to create and trace with wire flower sculptures and finally went onto to designing a collaborative flower sculpture out of withie, wire and fabric etc.  



Some of our learning from the Autumn term
