
Springwood Infant and

Junior School Federation

Believing is achieving

Day 3

Day 3


On our final day we...

  • Woke up, sang Happy Birthday to Travis and packed our suitcase ready to leave.
  • Had breakfast and made our lunch for later on. 
  • Looked at the moth trap that had been set the night before.
  • Checked our mammal traps to see if we had caught anything. Unfortunately all of our traps were destroyed by other animals around the grounds. When we checked the videos back we found that foxes, squirrels, mice and even badgers had found the traps we had set and destroyed them before we could catch any mice or voles in them.
  • Had fun doing some orienteering around the grounds. 
  • Had our final lunch.
  • Got back on the coach for our journey back to school :) 