
Springwood Infant and

Junior School Federation

Together We Learn, Together We Grow

Year 3

Stubbington 2024

Wow! What an exciting few days we have had exploring nature, our local coastline and British history. We have learned new skills, including how to read a compass and use a bearing, how to make our beds and keep our rooms tidy and how to create art using natural resources we have found around us. 

Our tummies have been filled up with lots of scrummy choices, and many of us have tried new things. We've enjoyed working as a team not only with our friends and peers, but with new friends from another school. We have shown respect to each other, the environment and the Stubbington staff and the Springwood team could not be prouder of us. 

The highlights of our trip must be: observing badgers and foxes in their natural environment in our pyjamas and becoming investigators to solve a pirate crime. We have had an amazing time, but we are certainly weary and looking forward to hugs from our families!

Some of our Artwork!
