
Springwood Infant and

Junior School Federation

Believing is achieving

Home learning

Home Learning is sent home and uploaded here once every half term. On the home learning sheet, you will find suggestions on how to help your child secure their learning at home. 


We encourage children to "overlearn" at home.

What that means is that children recap and go over knowledge that they have already been taught in school. 

Research shows that this is the best use of home learning time- perhaps the children could even pretend to "teach" you!

We are hoping that we'll also have the opportunity to showcase and celebrate our creative home learning projects later in the term.

Summer 2 Home Learning

Summer 1 Home Learning

Autumn 2 Home learning sheet

Autumn 1 Home learning sheet

The submission date of the creative family project is the week of the 16th of October. 


The children can bring in their home learning books in before that date to show their teachers as we would love to see what you've been doing. 

If you need any help or support with this then please let us know :)
