What's new in Summer 1
Reading - Under the canopy - Trees around the world.
Writing - It starts with a seed.
Science - Germination, how plants make their food.
Art - portraits - Hans Holbein was Henry VIII's court artist.
History - Why did the kings favourite ship sink right under his nose?
The story behind the Mary Rose.
Author study
For the next 3 weeks before Easter year three are doing an author study on Nicola Davies.
Our first text is called King of the sky.
Escape from Pompeii
We have been thinking about how an author carefully selects the language in a story, to create just the right effect.
Then we wrote a diary entry as if we were a character in the book. Here are some examples of remote learning sent in from home.
Science - plants.
My bean diary.
How water is transported around a plant.
Reading and writing in year 3
We have had a short topics based on the Antarctic and dinosaurs.
We have started an exciting new science topic on light. Each week we have a concept cartoon to explore different ideas, and we have to plan and carry out an experiment. We then try to answer the question using the data we have collected.
You can find out more about light..