
Springwood Infant and

Junior School Federation

Together We Learn, Together We Grow

Flood water advice from HCC attached - 14 February 2014

Flooding – important public health advice for parents
As flood warnings and alerts remain in place across the south of England, parents are asked to remain extra vigilant and take the following precautions to ensure families remain safe and healthy through half term and over the next few weeks.
 Do not let children play in floodwater and take care if you or your family must go into flood water as there could be hidden dangers like sharp objects, raised manhole covers and pollution.
 Wash your hands regularly, and ensure your children do the same as flood water potentially contains harmful bacteria which can lead to infection. If clean water is not available use hand sanitising gel or wet wipes.
 If you have been flooded, or live near a river in flood remember that accidents happen in fast flowing floodwater so avoid walking or driving in or near floodwater. Avoid costal areas if possible.
 It’s important when cleaning up after a flood to never use outdoor petrol or diesel generators indoors even in the event of a power cut. The exhaust fumes may contain carbon monoxide which can kill in a confined space such as a home. Carbon monoxide poisoning can be fatal.
 After being flooded, do not turn on gas or electrics until they have been checked by a qualified technician.
 Avoid eating food that has touched flood water and clean all work surfaces before and after preparing food.
If you have a health concern, advice can be obtained from the NHS Choices website , by calling NHS 111 or from your local Pharmacy or GP.
The situation is rapidly changing, so please refer to the latest information on flooding and public health advice on the County Council’s website and via Public Health England This includes answers to some frequently asked health questions about flooding

