
Springwood Infant and

Junior School Federation

Together We Learn, Together We Grow

Y1 to Y6 Sports Day - 30 Sept - click to find out the arrangements!

All children will need to bring in a packed lunch. (If you are eligible for free meals, a packed lunch will be provided). 

Children will come to school in their sports kit, (team colour) and will register in the normal way.
Parents will make their way to the Junior school field where they will be able to watch the events.

Parents can join their children for a picnic lunch on the field. Children will then return to classes for registration and will then come out to continue the sports events on the field.

If the weather is wet, sports day will be scaled down to take place inside both the Infant and Junior schools.  A schedule of events will be posted outside the playground. The sports events will finish at 12.00 and parents will leave. Pupils will stay in school until the usual time and can be collected at 3pm.
